I know we all live fairly hectic lives! With that said, I enforce a 48hr cancellation policy to protect my livelihood, and make sure that I am available to my patients as best possible. If you need to change or reschedule you appointment(s), please contact me asap to avoid the cancellation charge. For any no-show, or last minute cancellation, the FULL FEE will be billed.
A fee will be charged for emergencies as well, unless I can fill the spot with another patient.
As a self-employed person who relies on your respect for my time, I am grateful that you honour this policy. Thank you!
If I am ill, or have to reschedule your appointment due to an emergency on my end, i will do so ASAP, and will always extend my hours to make sure we make up the lost time.
Communication is key. I need to know how you're feeling through out your treatment to ensure that you're getting the highest level of care from me. Your health records and anything you decide to share with me stays confidential. Your personal medical information is stored in compliance with my governing body, The CMTO.
As a regulated health professional, I've been upholding the highest standards of cleanliness, and patient screening to ensure that we all stay safe. I am comfortable with you wearing a mask, or not, and I will gladly wear one if you prefer as well.
If you are sick, stay away from me! A wellness survey will be sent out 48hrs prior to your appointment to make sure you're healthy.
If you have any questions or concerns about my cleaning products, or the volume of clients in the spa, please reach out so I can make you feel at ease.